Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Not your grandfather's sQuidd.io!!

Let's face it...the squidd.io site had grown a little old and a little stale. It was high time for a change, so change it we did. And what an upgrade it is!

Take a look at the new web site: you will immediately notice an entirely new paradigm: the home page, the center of the application, has been replaced with a map that features multiple spatial data layers that can be selected on and off. 

Of course, the ever-growing repository of 30K+ navigational Points of Interest (POIs) is still the centerpiece of sQuiddio, but we have made it a lot easier to explore the database by dragging the map and zooming in and out.  It's also become a lot easier to add, edit and delete POIs, a process that was admittedly a bit clunky and counter intuitive in the old web site.

We have also added a number of layers that had become popular features of sQuiddio in the past, but were not available in a cohesive and comprehensive manner: satellite maps, which can now be easily downloaded in bulk for a specific area, vessels in your Follow List, which you can now create an update with just a tap (gone is the old cumbersome invitation process), weather beacons, AIS Navigation Aids etc. 

Finally, we took advantage of the redesign to make the web site a lot faster, responsive, and suitable for the variety of devices being used by the sea-going community of squiddio users.

In a nutshell....easier to use, a lot faster and more importantly, a lot more useful!

Take the new squidd.io site for a spin and send us your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. bring back the dashboard.... and zoomable map (with controls on map)
