sQuiddio is enhancing its popular Follow-me feature by adding AIS support. The Follow-me feature allows members to constantly advertise their position and track their friends' boat's position on a map. You can also post position updates on your Facebook page.
IMPORTANT: sQuiddio relies on AIS position updates available on the Internet and provided by a network of private and independently operated AIS Base stations around the world. Coverage is therefore limited to certain areas, mostly within a 20-50 mile radius of heavily populated areas. THIS SERVICE IS THEREFORE PROVIDED ON A BEST EFFORT BASIS and should not be relied upon when sharing your position with others at all times is critical. Check our AIS service provider's coverage map to find out what areas are currently served. To update your follow list in areas not covered by AIS you should continue to rely on cellular phone or satellite phone updates.
To enable AIS tracking, simply add your MMSI to your sQuidd.io Boat profile (please allow between 10 and 30 minutes for the first position update to be reflected on sQuidd.io).
Check our FAQ for additional information on Follow-lists ans AIS.